NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING for leasing or selling property
The Town of Wise Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of soliciting public comment on selling, at public or private sale, and/or leasing as lessor the Town of Wise public parking lot Parcel Identification Number 013205 located along E. Main Street between 310 E. Main Street and 324 E. Main Street and across East Main Street from 313 E. Main Street. Notice is given in accordance with Section 15.2-1800 (b) of the Code of Virginia. When the public hearing is opened, anyone wishing to address the Council regarding said sale and/or lease of said parking lot may speak.
Following the public hearing, the Town Council may or may not take action to sell and/or lease the public parking lot to a private individual or company. Persons requesting auxiliary aids to accommodate a disability to attend the public hearing should direct their request to the Town Manager’s office or by phoning 328-6013 (Voice & TDD) at least one week prior to the hearing date.
The Town of Wise is an equal opportunity provider and employer.