Centennial Celebration - Roaring Twenties Party

The Town of Wise with the help of Ben and Kim Mays hosted a roaring 20s party on September 7th to help celebrate the Town of Wise Centennial.  We would like to thank Ben and Kim Mays for allowing us to use their beautiful home and for planning this event.  A great time was had by all!!! 

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party
Roaring 20s Party